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The commands
The commands are located at the bottom or the top of Jajuk window. They are always visible in all perspectives and control the player and start smart functions.
The search box
The search box can be used to find any file, track, genre, artist, album… for a given text. A result popup appears. Then launch the track by clicking on the list: the track will be played immediately.
The history bar
The history bar shows all tracks you played (can be cleared and configured in the Preferences view). Click on one track to launch it again. Note that tracks in the history bar may be on devices that are no more mounted.
In this case, Jajuk will ask you to mount them if available.
Modes set the player behavior when selected before and during the play. All combinations of modes are allowed. Note that you can see which tracks are repeated thanks special icons in the [view_playlist_editor.html playlist editor view].
Repeat single mode [default=off]): When checked, the next launched selection will be played in a loop. If it is checked during a play, only current track will repeat.
Repeat all mode [default=off]): When checked, the whole queue will be played in a loop. Planned tracks are not played.
Shuffle mode [default=off]: When checked, next launched selection will be played randomly. If it is checked during a play, current selection will randomize.
Continue mode [default=on]: When checked, player will not stop when selection is played but will continue to play next albums or tracks.
Intro mode [default=off]: When checked, only a part of each track will be played (begin position and play time can bet set in the Parameter view/Options tab)
Smart functions
To avoid selecting tracks, you can use these high-level smart functions:
Play shuffle launch a shuffle track from the entire collection (only from mounted and ready devices). Using the drop down button, you can select track by track (default) or album by album mode
Play best of launch one of your favourite track (learned with dynamic rate) and with a bit of random
Play novelties launch one of newest tracks from your collection with a bit of random. Using the drop down button, you can select track by track (default) or album by album mode
Finish album, useful when using shuffle mode and you find an album that you want to play completely
Launch DJ selection (See Using digital djs)
All these smart functions can be filtered using the ambience selector combo box. Select the Any
ambience to stop filtering
Controlling the music player
Mute/Unmute the player
Listen previous track in collection. Right click or Shift + left click to play previous album
Listen next track in selection. Right click or Shift + left click to play next album
Fast rewind in current track. Right click or Shift + left click to replay the track
Play/Pause the current track
Stop playing, playing queue is then voided
Fast forward in the current track
Rating current songs
increase the rating of the current playing song (5 points by default, you can set the step using the drop-down arrow at the right of this button)
Slim bar
Essential Jajuk functions are available in the slim bar: History, favourite, rating, previous track, pause, stop, next track, mute/unmute. To enable/disable the slim bar,
use the icon on the top right corner.
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